
Can you live on pluto andis there life on ploto?

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in a space sute thow!




  1. the temp. on Pluto  be enough to turn nitrogen  oxygen into a liquid state not even viruses can live in a word that cold or at least none that i know of

  2. No it's way too cold. There would be no way to power anything for heat way out there because the only thing we use for power in other planets and stuff is solar power and the sun is too far away too be efficient. Plus we don't even know if life is on pluto because we don't have and clear picture of what pluto even looks like but they have determined pluto does have a atmosphere. It is very thin and its not there for most of the time. Its only there when plutos orbit is closest too the sun which isn't much time.

  3. no, if there was life on pluto, it would be on the news.

  4. No and no. Its far too cold there. And, theres no such thing as a space suit that can sustain a human wearing it for even 24 hours straight.

  5. We couldn't without heavy mechanical support.

    (Just a suit wouldn't do it.)

    If there's life there, it's very different from us, and

    in such a low energy environment, it's likely to be

    very slow.

  6. didn't you know that NASA said that Pluto is not a planet any more.

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