
Can you live without these things?

by Guest61868  |  earlier

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Fifty Things Made From Oil = Petrol for cars, Diesel for cars, lorries and ships, Aviation fuel for planes, Credit cards, Plastic bags,

Hair brushes, Anti-freeze, Motorcycle Helmets, Carpets, Telephones,

Brake fluid, Boats, Glue, Toilet Seats, Shampoo ,

Household paint Detergent Bowls Fertiliser Explosives

Car tires, Artificial turf, Football, boots, Lipstick, Weed killer ,

Parachutes, Umbrellas, Food wrappers, Shower curtains, Waterproof coats,

Artifical limbs, Roads, Bubble wrap, Drinks, bottles, Toothbrushes,

Life jackets, Fishing line, Tennis rackets, Roller blades, Eye glasses,

Lunch boxes, Flower pots, Toys, Car seats, Insulation,

Nail polish, Hair spray, Medicines, Insect repellant, Golf balls




  1. Drill here, drill now.

  2. Really I never knew it was this much,but who could leave without it?If we are to say we were underdeveloped then YES we could live without them,but now that our eyes  are opened to this it's very difficult.

           U too also think of the games ,the pc u used in transferring this.u would see all require electricity which in turn requires oil so u right.

        But why were humans so not thinking of the opposite before making something?like we could have made phones without using electricity an so on,but we always thought of our younger brother(oil) in doing everything.

       Serves us right ,u think so?   but anyway,were there is a will there is a way.

  3. What are we going to do when there is no more oil?  Surely trying to come up with alternative ways to make plastic and fuel our cars is more important now, because if we wait until we run out of oil, we will be f*cked.  

    You can get a lot of that stuff on your list made with ingredients that aren't derived from oil.

  4. Thanks for enlightening some people about the many uses we have for Petroleum.  Unfortunately too many people have their head in the sand.  There are indeed alternatives that we should explore, but that doesn't mean we stop drilling.  We should stop relying on foreign countries for our needs and be the self sufficient nation we once were.  If we don't drill here now, we will find ourselves in a crisis where we have to wait for the drilling to be fruitful.  We need to do it while we are not in a crisis.

  5. We need to drill. I took a trip with my family to DC a few weeks ago and got the pleasure of sitting in on a house floor presentation in the capital building. Republican congressmen were talking to the public that they contact pelosi and encourage a VOTE on the energy crisis.

    According to Congressman Robert Bishop of Utah :

    What the Republicans want is to be HEARD...the democrats want to sit around and wait and not do anything. I agree...we should seek alternative energy but in the mean time our people don't deserve to suffer because of a mistake in realizing how soon the 'near future' would of arrived. This is word for word - Nancy Pelosi's response to the car/energy problem was.... "Drive smaller cars and wait for the wind"

    Is it just me or does this not remind everybody of when the queen of france said to her subjects - "If there be no bread, let them eat cake"

    YES we need to stop depending on oil so much...but while we make improvements...why should we depend on foreign oil? When we have 19 Million acres of it in Alaska ALONE. Not to mention all the other supply in the US.

    In addition...I really think that Nancy Pelosi needs to stop being such a beep. and I hate using that negative term..and rarely do but she is not upholding what she agreed to when signing into be speaker of the house.  a few democrats AND most republicans are in favor of at least VOTING... they don't want a guaranteed outcome - they just want a VOTE. something they are entitled to...but some democrats think sitting around and then going on a 4-5 week vacation instead of working on a solution is the answer.  This is accurate as well...democratic members of congress all went on vacation...while the republicans stayed back and had meetings about the energy crisis.

    something must be done, drill.

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