
Can you look at my chart do you think I have had implantation?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I cant see you FF chart from last month to compare, but based on what this chart shows, it certainly looks like you may have.  You have the 'tell tale' jump in temperature, which normally drops before your period.

    Good luck!  

  2. it certainly looks promising, but that jump as the question above me states, could be a sign of aunt flow too.

    id say if it is implantation,it looks like it would have happened either 6 or 7 dpo, from looking at your chart.

    Try overlaying you charts, to get a better idea. i did that with mine and it has actually help me figure out ovulation and such a little easier.

    hope this helps

    god bless you and lots of baby dust to us both

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