
Can you lose a hotel franchise, if you keep saying your full and have no available rooms?

by  |  earlier

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I have a major franchise hotel in my town, it probably has around 35 rooms. Each time I call and ask for a room, they say they are full. But when I drive by, I see that they have plenty of rooms available.

Can the people who own this franchise lose it? Since, they are telling potential customers that they are full and have no rooms available?




  1. How can you possibly tell if they have "rooms available" just by driving by?

    Are you looking to see what rooms have their lights on? Maybe the people are asleep.

    Are you looking to see if there are cars in the parking lot? Maybe the people took a cab or a bus.

    If they're actually a major hotel franchise, try making your reservation on line, ahead of time, and see if they have rooms available then.

    If you live in the town, why are you trying to rent a hotel room, anyway?

  2. Yes, I'm sure the major franchise chain has rules that the owner is suppose to follow.

    It sounds like this is one of those hotels where the individual is living out of the office,  raising a family,  and not worried about running a professional business.

    If they keep telling you that they have no rooms available, you might want to document each time and report them to the major franchise.

  3. I don't see how they could lose it unless they are running an illegal business in it . Unless you walked into the rooms you can really tell if the rooms are empty !

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