
Can you lose inches of thighs by cycling?

by  |  earlier

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For about 45 minutes a day?

I want slender thighs, not big and bulky.

So if I bikeride for about 45 minutes a day, will I be able to loose 2-3 inches off my thighs in a couple weeks?





  1. yes it will

    a LOT

  2. yes, but make sure to do resistance anaerobic ( high tension) and speed drills. i took spinning class and we had all sorts of drills... i was in the best shape of my life. the only way your legs will get big is if your lifting weight and building muscle that way.

    our classes were intense 45 minutes and i went 4-5 day a week. my legs were long and lean.

  3. yes u will, they will get rock hard as well if yur a girl its a must

  4. yes

  5. You will lose inches everywhere, Not just spot reduce. And you will have tons of fun as well.

  6. For starters, you'll tone your calves, thighs, and hips while burning 350 to 700 calories an hour. Cycling boosts your aerobic capacity, too -- new cyclists see up to a 20 percent increase during the first four months. That means your heart will deliver oxygen to muscles more efficiently, taking the effort out of climbing stairs and carrying groceries. You'll also reduce your risk of colon cancer and lower your cholesterol level and blood pressure. And bicycling is one of the few aerobic exercises that's easy to incorporate into a full day. On a bike, you can run errands or commute to work.

    also see this great site:

  7. yeah it sounds like a great way!

    if you don't want to build too much muscle then don't put the resistance too high

    you want to tone your legs, not bulk them up so keep the resistance low!

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