
Can you lose weight without sweating?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i was working out in my yard for about 4 and 1/2 hours but i didnt sweat that much but i was moving around a lot. did i still lose weight? how many calories do you think i lost?




  1. you definately burned calories. if you are doing anything where you are moving then you are burning at least some calories. but to loose weight if you don't want to sweat, i would say watch what you eat.

  2. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  3. I've lost 25lbs without sweating, just by cutting calories, and no exercise.

  4. http://all-about-loose-weight-fast.blogs...

    1)exercise to build muscle-3x per week(20 minutes per session)

    2) eat to increase your metabolism rate-don't skip your meal-breakfast,lunch,dinner and 2 snacks between meal..take smaller portion every meal...

    3) water for detox-drink a lot of plain water. for every 25 kg you gained, drink 1 litre of plain water...

    try this tips in one month and you will get a great result...

    hope this will help


  5. in order to lose weight you have to sweat... it means you are pushing yourself

    you may lose a little if you do this everyday... but if your not tired and sweaty and feeling like you got your heart-rate up... you will not lose a lot

    please answer mine

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