
Can you love someone without being attracted to them??

by  |  earlier

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Really want to settle a debate a friend and I are having!




  1. do you love ur mom and dad?

    therya go..

  2. This has rank to #1 of the stupidious questions ever.  

    Find something useful to ponder.  Life will bring whether you ask or not, a reason to act and love.

  3. Of course. You love your parents, don't you?

  4. i love all of my closest friends but i am not in love with them i have been attracted to a girl once who didnt feel the same but that was more admiration that anything else

  5. Of course, you love your parents, brothers and sisters, and other relatives, don't you?

    And you can love your friends without wanting to have s*x with them.

  6. i think so

    love is a feeling and attraction well idk what it is but yea  

  7. yup.  

  8. yeah you can; looks aren't everything

  9. Love and attraction are very different! Love is a feeling and attraction is also a feeling. But they come from two different places. Love is from the heart, and attraction is from the...well, genitals. If you're only attracted to someone, you don't TRULY love them because their looks aren't all that is to them. Same goes for the opposite! If you love someone, you're not necessarily attracted to them, they may not be your perfect match, after all, you don't think your moms s**y do you? That's why it's good to have a relationship with someone who has both.

    Attraction = Physical, Love = Spiritual or whatever you wanna think of it

  10. Do you love your mother/father/siblings/friends? Are you attracted to them all?

    If you ment actual romantic love... I would say yes, but the relationship would be on a more platonic level, but it is still possible.

  11. Yes, of course.

    Love is wishing and working for the well-being of the other.

    If you cared for a leper whose fingers were falling off, you would not find them at all attractive, but you could still love them.

    However, being "in love" with someone implies attraction and passion as well.

    There is a difference between "love" as "caring" or "charity" or "altruism" or "kindness" on one hand,

    and "love" as "romance" on the other hand.

    The ancient Greeks actually had four words for love.

    Agape: self-giving love.

    Phileo: friendship love.

    Storge: family love.

    Eros: love that finds the other desireable (sometimes sexual).

    Perhaps your debate is merely a difference in definitions.

  12. Yes. I love a dear friend and would do anything for him. He's spent evenings with me and ended up sleeping in the same bed with me many times. Never have I ever had a sexual thought about him nor he me as far as I know (and we've see each other naked a few times at the same time and nothing came up in conversation or anywhere else, if you get my drift. We've each had a close call to death and were in ICU. I was by his side nearly constant until he was in satisfactory condition and when on my stay, he was there the same as I had been for him. We have other friends, some we share, some we don't; have sexual contact with some (none we share, lol), and to loose him would be heart breaking for me.

  13. yeah you love your mom but your not attracted to her are you

  14. Quite a few people took this as an incest question! Yuk! I know what you're saying. And yes, i love a person, and don't want to lose them but i'm not attracted to them.

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