
Can you make a crooked line with a straight ruler?

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Why/how is this possible?




  1. If the straight ruler has no solid base or solid foundation, the resulting line will always be crooked....

  2. yes, why? because i'm very talented. how? by moving and turning the ruler very fast.

  3. If the table is moving underneath you, I guess it could.

  4. Yes, if you take Einstein's theory of relativety into consideration.

  5. Wow, that's a good one.  I think definitely you can (and I don't mean lifting the ruler for a second stroke). If you are plotting say a bell curve (and I am shamelessly lame in math) or say Pluto's (do we still call it pluto and is it still considered a planet?) elliptical orbit around the sun any attempt to render it w/ a straight ruler would be considered "crooked" (I think.)

  6. you must have stepped into the 4th dimention.

  7. well if the ruler has dents init like mine

  8. why not?????????  at first make your paper as crocked(zig-zag)

    then pull line from your straight ruler...that's yet.

  9. yes, move the ruler every once in a while, are u serious?

  10. Yes, you make one line going one way and extend it with lines going in different angles and then you have a crooked line.

  11. if the ruler was crooked  then yes

  12. You move the ruler while drawing a line

  13. if the ruler moves. it would need to be mounted down in order for the line to be straight

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