
Can you make a good living in London if you earn £1500 a month?

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In which area of London could you afford to pay the rent etc ?




  1. £1,500 is £18,000 a year, which means your net income is about £13,500 a year of about £1125 a month.

    When I lived in London the average 1 bed flat was £750 a month, Electric cost a bomb as it was electric heating as well, that ate up an average of £120 a month in electric for heating, cooking and lighting. Council tax was £100 a month.

    What was left was to be spent on food and getting to work which worked out to be about £40 a week for both.

    So it may pay you to live out of London and commute on a daily basis.

    I can tell you that I am glad I do not live in that city any more, it is one of the most expensive places I have ever lived in. What annoys me is why something in London costs more in the first place when same item that came from London in the first place costs 30% less outside of London... and they use the "London Weighting" as a lame excuse to hike prices...

  2. you would just about be able to rent a room in London for £100 a week

  3. thats not that much money for london at the cost of living is so high.  just shop around and live within your means

  4. As an informed outsider living in Delhi - an international Metro in its own right - to be able to sustain yourself in London you would need to spend at least - £ 1400

    1. Rent £ 600 :- Find accomodation close to the subway in the suburbs anywhere around London - preferably away from the coast or the River Thames. This would mean more commuting time - and slightly higher travelling expenses - but the lower rent paid would offset these with a margin left over.

    2. Food £ 300 :- Learn to cook at home - its easy and interesting.  Develop the habit of carrying a tiffen for lunch.

    4. Save on electricity £ 100 - be conscious that leaving lights on when you are not there means loss of money.

    5. Buy an automatic clothes washing machine, dish washer, microwave - saves time and money in the long run.

    6. £ 400 Commuting fares and Use a small car - fuel is a major expense

    Balance in hand for other little things £ 100

    Don't treat yahoo answers as the final word - spend a day or two researching the city

  5. That won't get you much up here in manchester so london i don't think it would work.

  6. I have colleagues who live in London on less than this but there are can afford to live in zones 2, 3 or 4 in a shared rented house, try out in East London, Archway in north London or Shepherds Bush in West London. These are less salubrious but perfectly ok if you check out the area/ street in advance. It's probably not feasible to expect to live in your own flat on that money. On that salary also don't expect to have too much spare cash for new clothes, travelling or luxurious extras so it may not fit your idea of a 'good' living but if you're here for the experience you can soon learn how to live on that amount.

  7. That is not enough in London you need TWICE that to survive .. even in rented accomadation

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