
Can you make a rain barrel out of an outdoor garbage can?

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So, I have 4 perfect downspouts on my house just waiting to have rain barrels put under them...but at $65 each, "real" rain barrels are a complete rip-off!

Has anyone ever made a rain barrel out of a Rubbermaid-type outdoor garbage can (a new one, of course). I am thinking of doing this and found plans online, but my husband says the garbage can wouldn't be strong enough to hold up under the pressure of the water inside.

If you've done this, I'd love to hear from Pros? Cons? Thanks!!




  1. You can save water in ANY sturdy watertight container.

    Just make sure its covered so that kids, animals or debris can't get in.

  2. Yes, I have used plastic garbage bins for rainwater. They stand up to the water just fine, buy the kind without the little wheels but don't even think about moving them when they're even half full of water, and put them on a firm level base. VERY tippy! The only disadvantage I found was that it's difficult to put a spigot in them because the plastic isn't thick enough to really take hold of the spigot, and the one I put a spigot in tended to leak. If you can find used plastic barrels that haven't had some noxious chemical in them, they work fine and are heavy enough for a spigot. Or, you should be able to find a pump to use unless you don't mind scooping by hand or siphoning. You can still buy galvanized metal cans too.

  3. Do a bit of alley driving in an industrial area and you can get a bunch for free.

    Trash cans work fine, but scooping the water out can be a pain.

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