
Can you make an airsoft gun out of a blank gun?

by Guest66859  |  earlier

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i was thinking, airsoft is cool and all but WTF its absolutely nothing like real combat, the airsoft BBs travel so slowly that hiting a moving target with a spring gun is almost imposible in battle. so i was thinking and even ran a test could u make a blank fireing gun that used .22 cal ammo so you could drill out the barrel and the cylinder (like in a revolver) so it would fit the 6mm aair soft bb? now i realize that the case would be to big but i have a way around that. the test i ran consisted of me fireing my remington tac 1 model shotgun at 4 peices of staked cardbord on that test te round went thro 1 and a half peices of cardbord but then i took a 22cal caseing and filed down the bb so it fit snugly in the casing then shot it and it went all the wa y throughall four of the peices of cardbordand into the ground (not sure how far though it sort of dissapeard into the grass) but the point is that i dont know how dangorous it is will it break the skin? should i use short rifle 22 cal rounds? i realy need answers, please i just want top make airsoft a better sport for everyone. if some one can pt up with reading this please write something if you know anything about this topic. THANK YOU, AND PLEASE HELP!




  1. Modifying a blank firer to fire ANY form or projectile is ILLEGAL, end of story. Don't do it.

    The reason airsoft guns fire at a relatively slow velocity is WHY they're safe to fire at people. They've been designed to be slow enough to not do damage.

    Also, just because you put a BB into a bullet casing does NOT make it an airsoft gun. Airsoft is as much about the method of propulsion (relatively low pressure compressed gases) as the ammo. If you have a .22 gun firing shells with BB's and not bullets, guess what, IT'S STILL A FIREARM. All the laws applying to firearms still apply, and frankly, anyone who'd contemplate firing a gun like that at someone for fun deserves to be locked up to save them from their own stupidity.

  2. First:

    Thats incredebly dangerous.


    Modifing an airsoft or real weapon after the fact is a FELONY.  If you got caught, you wouldn't be dealing with local police, you'd be dealing with ATF.


    I've been to Iraq and been in combat and I can't understand WHY you would want to try to create that for fun.  It really isn't.  I know your talking about BB's, but what your describing is dangerous and would probably hurt some people.

    Finally, my advice would be to take up a different sport if Airsoft isn't "combat-like" enough for you.  I reccomend paintball because you can not only tell when someone is hit, but in my experiences, I've had more fun paintballing then I ever had airsofting.

  3. That would qualify it as a real firearm and I'm pretty sure you would be in prison, plastic BB or or no.

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