
Can you make beef stroganoff without beef broth?

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I want to make beef stroganoff for dinner and I thought there was a recipe that calls for cream of mushroom soup...I have that but all the recipes I've looked at says you need beef broth. If I use cream of mushroom soup instead, will it still come out good? Or do you know any recipes without using beef broth? Thanks!




  1. If you thinned the soup out and use the amount in which your recipe calls for in beef broth, it should be ok

  2. yes you can make it with out beef broth look at campbell soup web sight it give you the recipe you need..  

  3. Cream of mushroom soup has alot of sodium in it; and it would be thicker & saltier than the broth mixed with sour cream.... but I suppose you could use it.  It will taste like the canned soup though.  Many recipes also call for a little tomato paste, and that wouldn't taste good with the mushroom soup

  4. A good simple fix would be to reduce some double cream, add the mushroom soup and cook through. The amount of cream to soup should be 2 to 1 ( twice as much cream as the canned soup. Add some sauteed button mushrooms at the end and a little paprika and you should have a good beef stroganoff.

    Just remember to use good quality steak cut into strips and quickly browned and if you want to add further flavour, sweat down( cook slowly without colouring) some onions and add alittle garlic before tossing in the cream and soup.Flambeeing in brandy is a classic and nice little extra too.

    Enjoy :)

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