
Can you make jumps and spins in Hockey Skates?

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Can you make jumps and spins in Hockey Skates?




  1. Well you cando crossovers and stuff but for spins you can do some but they wouldnt be technically correct in skating but it is possible to do like a 2 foot spin. I wouldnt reccommend doing jumps cuz you will look silly and fall flat on your face without a toepick. You can jump upin the air and stuff like up and down no turns or you could try it your own way without toepicks but that wouldnt really be agian, tchnically correct in the skating world. If your not planning ontaking figure skating lessons or anything and just was randomly wondering or wanted to try it then go ahead. It wont be pretty if you slip cuz no toepicks but it is somethin you have to make your own techniques so you dont fall and have to get sed to.I would prefer figure skates but have fun trying!!!!!!!!

  2. yes you can but it is difficult because hockey skates do not have any edges and there and they have no toepick

  3. no u really need a toepick and hockey sakets don't have one! u can't do a flip or a toe loop! or anything else that need a toepick and alot of things do!!!

  4. yes but its harder if you are a figure skater

  5. Yes, it is difficult, but possible.

    Here is a guy doing waltz jumps and axels in hockey skates

    Here's an almost double axel (watch the 2nd attempt!)

    2 foot spins on hockey skates

    I knew a coach who did both figure and hockey . . . he could do some amazing figure moves with hockey skates - including a camel spin!  

    Also check out Xtreme skating - they have their own jumps and spins that are not "figure" stuff:

  6. No you can't in hockey!!!!!!!!

  7. yes, but too slow, 'cas I have passed the age of 60 last year.

  8. It is very difficult, but it is possible. Here is one video of somebody doing a figure skating routine in hockey skates.

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