
Can you make money as a mystery shopper? Adults women only?

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I was just wondering if you can make money as a mystery shopper and if yes how do you apply. As anyone have experience with this issue.




  1. Google mystery shopper. They don't make much pay. You have to drive to places that could be far from your house and the amount they give you for gas may not = to what you use.

  2. Although I am an adult male, I have been a mystery shopper, for several firms.  

    It is an interesting sideline, and yield some interesting experiences, but there is no real money in it.  Do not expect to make a living from it.  BUT, if you get some plum assignments, you might get a few free meals, or some gas for the car, etc....  It may be fun, but it will not earn you a living.

    Here is how it works:

    (I will feminize my experiences)

    You are told to order some flowers in from such-and-such a company, and they must be ordered on such-and-such a date, for delivery at such-and-such a time.  

    If you are lucky, you can order them delivered to you.  More likely, you will have to have them sent to a friend, whom you will then have to call and quiz on her experience.  One hopes your friend liked them, is appreciative, and can answer all your REQUIRED questions properly.

    You will then fill in a bunch of forms, and submit them back to the company.  If the compnay "likes the shop", and you have dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's properly, you will get paid.  If they see some little error, you do not get paid.... so I really hope that your friend enjoyed those flowers you just spent $40 on.  Because... you will never see that $40!

    Your expenses:  Probably your computer, your paper, your ink, your internet connection, your time, and your credit card.

    You will be paid back, about 2 to 3 months later, so be sure you can pay off the amount charged on your credit card immediately, else those flowers will be very expensive, indeed....

    When they repay you they will either send you a cheque or a direct deposit.  You may find this hard to believe, but the cheques are safer and easier to handle.  Long story why, I will not bore you.

    Your payment will be (assuming you do qualify to be paid):

    1) $40 for the flowers.

    2) $ 5 for your expenses (assuming they qualify)

    3) $20 for your work**. (Maximum!)


    TTL: $65.00

    You be the judge.  Often your "Fee" is more like $5 or $10, or $12, and not $20.

    And, yes, if you do a lot of it, the money earned therefrom is fully taxable.  So you get to share about 30% of your earnings with the tax man, and no, they will not take the flowers instead.


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