
Can you make money as a philosopher?

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Can you make money as a philosopher?




  1. You can get rich if you develop your own philosophy and convince people that it is to their benefit to practice it. if course you Will charge people to "share you philosophy" with them. Other wise you need to define "make money" in a more quantitative way. I hope this helps.  

  2. In my opinion, comedians like George Carlin were modern day philosophers.

  3. As a professor of philosophy in a college or by writing books about philosophy, yes. I'm looking forward to the day when philosophy, especially concerning the meaning of our lives and existence within relation to eternity, has a greater influence in business. For now it seems that most people are content with fulfilling their carnal and material pleasures in a greedy fashion and perhaps being as popular as possible, rather than considering what worth they might have to an infinite and eternal metaphysical spirit which created their soul and which in reality because it is infinite does not need them.

  4. If you come up with a cool bumper sticker, like "s*it happens" and you patent it and market it. good luck!  

  5. dust to dust ashes to ashes mate!

  6. The fact that you had such a question rather answers it.  Not much.

  7. ...hmmm, doing what...doubt it!!! palm readers get more ex went every weekend...

  8. You can make a living off of it if you want to teach at college or university, but unless you introduce something unique or special to the field, don't count on getting rich. That 's okay, though, because instructors aren't poor by any means.

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