
Can you make the case that Obama is a Muslim?

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Arguments I have seen so far seem to be along the lines of "well, he could be, so therefore he is." Where's the beef? Do you have anything real? Doesn't it seem that if there were solid evidence, reliable news sources would be all over the story? Or is the international media controlled by Islam and there is some conspiracy to keep the truth a secret? And if so, how did you find out?




  1. No, and neither can anyone else with any degree of accuracy, or honesty, it is just a political rumor.

  2. Plain and simple: Obama is a Muslim.  The evidence?

    1) He has a Muslim name. 2) His father was a Muslim. 3) Obama went to a Muslim school, enrolled as a Muslim. 4) Everyone says that he belongs to the United Church of Christ; ha! - some church... a racist, anti-American church! Reverend Wright? And Obama sat through that anti-American preaching c**p for how many years?? And now, you hear on Fox News how Obama said that we "are not just a Christian nation, we are a Muslim nation...." This country was founded upon Christianity!

  3. Where there's smoke, there's fire.  We do NOT know that Obama is a Muslim.  What we DO know is that the church he attended for 20+ years gave the lifetime acheivement award to Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, and that Obama has surrounded himself with folks of that type.  The evidence does not show him to be a Muslim; however, it shows him to be sympathetic to the Nation of Islam.  It's your choice if that's better or worse.

  4. His father is a Muslim.  Under Muslim law, a child is the religion of the father (as opposed to Judao/Christian law, which takes the mother's religion.)  As such, under Sharia law, he is a Muslim.

    Also, under Sharia, converting from Muslim to any other religion is prohibited and punishable by death (I believe beheading, but hanging and possibly stonning are available.)

    So, under Sharia Law, he is a Muslim and if he claims otherwise, he would be beheaded.

  5. - i don't think he's a muslim.

    - i don't think he's a christian either cuz he opposes many christian views...he supports partial birth abortions..supports g*y marriage...believes many paths not one path thru jesus


    - he denounced his church after 20 years...what all of a sudden he realized rev wright preached racism...was he deaf for 20 years...or did he realize it didn't help him get elected


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