
Can you make vegetarian pho with vegetable broth from the store??

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Can you make vegetarian pho with vegetable broth from the store??




  1. Pho is traditionally served with beef; however, given that you're a vegetarian, I'm certain that you could make a vegetarian version.  You might want to try making your own veggie broth.  

  2. Yes you can, I used to make this for my vegetarian husband.  There are key spices that make up the flavor of pho.  The two spices that are really important are cinnamon and star anise.  Also garlic, ginger, sugar, and sweet basil.  If you simmer all these together with the veggie broth you will have an extremely close taste to that of beef based pho.  As for meat you can use tofu, but Morningstar Farms makes a beef strip substitute that works absolutely perfect.  Also the beef flavor from the fake meat blends well into the broth while you are simmering it.  Hope this helps!

  3. well would advise that you make your own vegtable broth

    it tastes better and its a LOT beter for you cthan store bought

    it only takes like 5 mins

    look the recipe up on


  4. Yes, just make sure the vegetable broth is vegetarian.  Some kinds actually contain chicken fat.  Substitute the veggie broth for the beef broth and instead of beef, you can use flavored tofu or seitan.  

  5. even though u want a veggie pho. i think the broth would still have to b with beef, if u were to not loss the authentic taste of the noodle because pho really is in with the taste of the beef broth.  my suggestion. make the broth with beef and add veggie instead of the other puttings required of it. and if u dont like the idea of using beef for the broth because u or that someone being an extreme vegetarian than i suggest u go buy the rice noodle and a pack of beef ramen and open the pack remove the ramen and just use the centhetic beef soup in the ramen and throw in the rice nooddle instead of the ramen that came in the pack. u know that beef soup base in the ramen. well, use that for ur beef broth and take it from there. good luck    

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