
Can you marry your ex-wife's niece?

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can you marry your ex-wife's niece even though at one point in time you were the niece's uncle. but not biological uncle...just uncle by marriage.

so she would technically be your ex-niece.

is it possible? is it legal or incest?

just curious...this really doesn't relate to my life at all.




  1. Creepy. I could never date my uncle by marriage. Its the same as a blood uncle.

    Yuck. I think i just threw up in my mouth.

  2. Of course, U can if she's willing.

  3. You are only the uncle through marriage, not a blood relative.  So yes, you can.  Totally legal in every state.  Weird, but legal.

  4. YES ! you can,, but I have a question too.. Why get the drama bigger in that family, tell that ex uncle to find it some where else, that's going to cause BAD DRAMA in the family, believe it or not.. that's an ex family now don't go back.. stay back duhhhhhhh

  5. it's only incest if they are blood relatives.

  6. no problem from any point of view if both are mature and agree.

  7. YES of course you can there is no blood is there.Incest is two blood related people getting together.

  8. yes you could

  9. Did relate to mine once.  The answer is yes.  She is not a blood relation.  I was her uncle; we considered it.  Still love her and she was not that much younger, only a few years younger than her aunt, my wife at that time--since divorced. This relationship was all the more involved as she was also the daughter of my step-brother (no blood relation).  Thus, I was an uncle two ways.  Cheers.

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