
Can you marry your first cousin in the uk

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i know back in the day you could if its legal then i have won a bet




  1. No! Lol, you can't. It is illegal!



  2. You can in the UK. In fact, my Mother had cousins who were first cousins to each other marrying. They celebrated their golden wedding, and their son is perfectly OK.

  3. Yes you can. It is quite legal.

  4. No it is illegal.. but you can marry your second cousins

  5. No, you definitely can't!!

  6. Of course you can, it's legal in every European country and most American states.

  7. Of course you can, how do you think we produce our politicians?

  8. yes it's legal.

  9. No, you really can't. And shouldn't.

  10. ask a lawyer or someone at a registrars office, or a church if you are that way inclined.

  11. It would appear to be legal to do so in the UK

    and apparently it's normal for Norfolk.

  12. I know that children with birth defects have risen dramatically in England, within the Pakistani population. It's because they believe in marrying first cousins, and often these marriages are prearranged at birth. The thought of first cousins marrying is a sickening thought.

  13. I dont think so

  14. Yes you can. its legal. Whether its right is up to individuals moral beliefs

  15. You can marry your cousin. It is not illegal at all. BEFORE PEOPLE PUT THUMBS DOWN ON ME IT IS LEGAL  -    It is just seen as taboo. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.  Some people are so cocky on here.

  16. Won a bet? Stop lying and admit you want your cousins poontang

  17. Happened it Jane Austen books and she was yeah there

  18. I don't think it is,why would anyone want to?

  19. yes you can.

    If you've ever seen heir hunters on the bbc it had a couple who were married and first cousins and they both inherited money from a relative they didn't know who died.

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