
Can you miss your ex ( a little ) and still be over him?

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I think about my ex off and on in the course of a day. Some of it has to do with the songs that come on the radio and just different things. We have been broken up for almost a year...

Is still thinking about him and missing him some normal? Or am I just not over him yet?




  1. I too still think about mine. I think that it depends on how long you with were with that person and if you truly loved them. A part of me will always love my ex but I am over him completely

  2. I think it's normal.  It doesn't necessarily mean you want him back.  It's just that you have memories.  Songs or anything can trigger that.  I went through that for about 2 yrs with my ex.  It slowly faded out.

  3. God I hope so..

    It has been almost two years for me, same deal :(

  4. i understand even if he treated you bad and you broke up with him you just think of the good things that happened between you it happens and the truth is tht you will probaly not totaly get over him

  5. I would say you are not over him.  I do NOT miss my ex one little bit and he doesn't cross my mind unless I see questions like this or someone ask me about him...then my skin crawls!! BTW, I was married to my ex for 15 years!  I am way too busy thinking about my true love and love of my life, my present husband!  

    I could/can never understand why people spend so much time in the past when their entire future is ahead of them?????

  6. I think you are not over him. When you dont think about it is when you know you moved on. May i suggest if it helps to spend one day for a couple hours playing songs, writting, remmbering, possibly crying (if it helps) to release evrything you still holding on to. If its anything in writting throw it away or burn it also CD and when you are done see yourself as someone happy with a husband just visualize and also tell yourelf that your next relationship will be siccessful. If you want any firther details let me know. :) Good luck!!!

  7. its definately normal to feel that way. I think it's because of time and effort you put into the relationship, the person becomes a part of your life. Depending on how close you were to each other, it's very hard to get over and move on even if you have broken up.  

  8. Sometimes I tihnk about the what ifs, it happens and i am so OVER him. Don't worry hun, it normal

    edit: kittykat i got youe beat: 3 years for me!

  9. i think its normal, u prolly truly loved him, and the b/up is still hard o get over, i mean if you really love someone, it will take yrs and yrs for that person to forget the other person entirely, and still some don't.So i think its normal, now its what you do with it, that matters!GL and do the right thing for u!

  10. This is normal reaction. It's good that you can admit to missing him.  You're getting closer to getting over him. It took me about a year to completely get over my ex.

  11. you will always have alittle piece of your heart that goes out to your exes..because you shared a past together..and those are memories. It's not because you're not over him, he was just a part of your life. No harm there.

  12. well us humans like to want what we cant have or what is no longer present in our lives. it creates a desire which cld be an illusion of love. but only u can know what you r feeling. u gotto really think about it.

  13. i do. I split up with my ex but sometimes I miss him because we have a son together and he is the spitting image of his dad. I miss some of the good times we spent as a family but I am not pining over him

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