
Can you mix alcohol with the antibiotic Bactrim?

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I know some people will say "it may decrease the effectiveness of the antibiotic" but thats BS I want an answer. I got the antibiotic for strep throat on Monday and tomorrow (Friday--4th of July!) I plan to drink. I don't plan on drinking until I black out, but I do plan on drinking more than one. Is that safe?




  1. LOL... Kate, in fairness, I don't have the PDR in front of me so I don't know the details of how ethanol interacts with Bactrim, i.e. whether it decreases its efficacy or may hurt you.  I honestly don't know off the top of my head.  If the label on the prescription bottle says that you shouldn't drink whilst taking the medication and heaven forbid something serious happens as a result, imagine how that would make me feel.  I have no vested interest in keeping you from drinking on the 4th of July (I think it should be a patriotic requirement ;), but on the other hand, I have an ethical duty as a physician to say, "I honestly don't know how alcohol will interact with Bactrim."  As such, I have no idea if it can be dangerous even with a small amount of beer.  Your best bet is to call your physician and ask if he feels it's safe to drink alcohol with Bactrim, or otherwise call the pharmacy and request the details of exactly how Bactrim interacts with alcohol, i.e. whether it's a matter of reducing its efficacy of if it has the potential to have serious untoward effects.  Based on this information, as an adult you can make your own decision based on this information.  But rest assured, so long as your presciption bottle has the warning "don't take with alcohol," not many health professionals will tell you to that you should supercede that.  I know it may not be the answer you were looking for, but it's what I have to offer to the best of my abilities, my apologies.

  2. i just got bactrim also and i am searching for the answer too.  i want to party this weekend.  wish a doctor would log on.

    i know alcohol can increase OR decrease the effects.  i just want to be certain it does not decrease it.

  3. you should never mix antibiotics with alcohol

    have soft drinks instead

    there will be plenty more 4th of July's

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