
Can you move out at 17?

by  |  earlier

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in tennessee?

my parents said i can move out

if i got my own place, and a job.

but i cant move in with my bf.

i would lke to know if i could?

without there permission




  1. At 17 your parents get to decide where you’re allowed to live.  If they say you can move out, but can't live with Boyfriend, then you can move out, but can't live with Boyfriend.  And if you move in with Boyfriend anyway, he can get in all kinds of legal trouble.  Let’s start with the fact that the age of sexual consent in TN is 18 (which means you’re below it) and there’s not a judge alive that will believe you're living with Boyfriend and it's all 'innocent'.

  2. yea u can i mean u about to be 18 anyways

  3. I guess you could, but to where? At 17 you can not legally enter into a rental contract with an apartment complex, nor can you find a respectible job that will pay you a decent amount of money.  

  4. No, you have to be 18 even with their permisson.

  5. Yeah, graduate highschool when you're 17 and still be 17 when you go off to college.

  6. ..ahmmm actually,  your parents woud'nt know that you'll move out with your bf...but it would be unethical because in the first place they just give you the best that they could for you to have a brighter future 'coz your only 17 and i'm sure your still studying at this point in time.. the support still comes from your parents not unless your a self-supporting student....before you move out..think many times...before you regret any thing...

  7. Yes but with permission

  8. ur atill young,u shud asked permission from them because ur bf cannot protect u if what will happen.....

  9. Sure you can. But at 17, it will be difficult to find a job that will pay enough for you to live on your own.

    If you don't have a job now, then get one (your 17!) It takes alot of cash to live on your own.

    Go to college, mooch off your parents as much as you can.

  10. the only way you can move in with your bf is if they approve or you appear in front of a court and they test you to see if you can legally become and adult at your age. i would definetly get a job though so if you do ever move in with your bf you can help out with the rent and going out to dinner and things. good luck

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