
Can you name a service that the government provides better than private enterprise could?

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Lately there's been a lot of talk about nationalization of health care and big oil. Is there ever a case where the government serves people better than the private sector? What government run entity provides better service at a better (preferably unsubsidized) cost?




  1. Well, most of the time, if one pays 20x the price, they'll usually get better/quicker service.

  2. Military has proven to be better managed by the government than by private contractors.

    The same can be said for health care. Look at how far superior national health care is in the best countries of the world like France and Switzerland vs. the privatized ones in the less fortunate countries like the US and China.

  3. The school system should be run by private industry as far as I am concerned. The system smacks of utter cronyism, bad planning and horrible interference from the PTA, Christian conservative groups, far left groups, unions and politicians. Our schools are the pits of Western Civilization.

    I'm in favor of government regulation of all facets of business, but not taking them over. I'm of the opinion that private industry can run things (as modified non-profits) and government sets the standards and insures equity and ethical behavior.

    When private industry and government work in partnership and not a master-slave relationship as it does now, you have more efficient workings when industry runs the show and you have more socially conscious workings when government is there to guide and regulate.

  4. There is none.  The military is not a service in the sense of how you use the term "service." That being said, the government could not do better than the private sector with any service. The government would s***w it up beyond all repair. If there is any doubt look to our north. Yes, health care in Canada is cheap. No, health care in Canada is not very good. As a matter of fact it pretty much stinks.

  5. As economist Murray Rothbard showed in his magnum opus Man, Economy, and State, there is no such service.  Even police and military could be provided more efficiently by the free market.

  6. Military is about it.

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