
Can you name all of the things this girl does to hurt the environment?

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  1. - left lights on when she left

    - when she goes to take a shower runs water before got in

    - wastes more water washing her face and hands before getting in da showa

    - litters when she leaves her room

    -  doesn't recycle

    - throws that plastic containter in the garbage instead of recycling.

  2. 1. She leaves lights on when she leaves her dorm room.

    2. When she goes to take a shower runs water before getting in, wasting water.

    3. She wastes more water washing her face and hands before she gets in the shower.

    2. She litters when she leaves the dorm.

    3. She doesn't recycle a plastic bottle right next to a recycling bin.

    4. She shouldn't of had a plastic bottle, she should be useing a refillabe water bottle.

    5. For lunch she bought a sandwhich in a plastc container instead of packing one in a reusable container, same goes for the drink she has. By using a reusable container she would of reduced the waste she produces.

    6. She hrows that plastic containter in the garbage instead of recycling.

    7. At the very end we see theres a banana peel in the trash, this should of been composted.

  3. She did not bother to write her Congressman to have a bill passed to imprison all the environmental wackos living next door to her.

    She should have turned on all her lights as a politcal statement. He clothes weren't green .

    She did not let people know she was sane and therfore did not believe in global warming.

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