
Can you name anything you wish you would ahve done/got for your babies first birthday??

by  |  earlier

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also keepsake ideas??!




  1. I've seen clocks with a round picture frame at each hour mark - before pictures get all mixed up & lost, fill the clock-frames with a picture from each of the 12 first months of his/her life (1st month, start at 1 o'clock, etc).

    Take a picture! Keep the shoes! Or start a tradition - have your son/daughter draw a picture (okay, at this age we're just happy if they can get out a few scribbles) at every birthday, and keep them, preferably laminated, in an album.

    Usually the coolest ideas are free, so use your imagination.  :)

  2. i wish i wouldn't have made it such a big deal....all the people and excitement ended up overstimulating the baby...

  3. My wife died in childbirth.  If I could have given my daughter any present for her first birthday, it would have been to see her mother for the first time.

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