
Can you name good yugioh cards to put in a deck?

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just name cards to put in decks mainly good cards




  1. Monsters:

    - Spirit Reaper

    - Marshmallon

    - Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

    - Sangan

    - Gellenduo

    - Cyber Dragon

    - Snipe Hunter

    - Night Assailant

    - Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

    - Morphing Jar

    - Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

    - Card Trooper


    - Lightning Vortex

    - Smashing Ground

    - Fissure

    - Heavy Storm

    - Mystical Space Typhoon

    - Monster Reborn

    - Premature Burial

    - Brain Control

    - Scapegoat

    - Gold Sarcophagus

    - Book of Moon

    - Enemy Controller

    - Shrink

    - Card Destruction

    - Foolish Burial


    - Mirror Force

    - Torrential Tribute

    - Trap Dustshoot

    - Dust Tornado

    - Dimensional Prison

    - Sakuretsu Armor

    - Widespread Ruin

    - Bottomless Trap Hole

    - Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

    - Raigeki Break

    - Threatening Roar

    - Waboku

    - Rainbow Life

    - Solemn Judgment

    - Dark Bribe

    Fusion Deck:

    - Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

  2. heavy storm

    nobleman of crossout

    lightning vortex

    smashing ground

    mirror force                 (my mirror force got stolen)


    sakuretsu armor

    monster reborn

    premature burial

    united we stand


    Uria, Lord of Searing Flames

    crush card virus

    gene-warped warwolf


    torrential tribute

    trap hole


  3. Cyber Valley


    Escape from the Dark Dimension

    Monster Reborn

    Premature Burial

    Mystic Space Typhoon

    Dust Tornado

    Trap Dustshoot

    Snipe Hunter

    Lightning Vortex

    Dark Magician of Chaos

    Destiny Hero Disk Commander

    Destiny Hero Dasher

    Destiny Hero Malicious

    Destiny Hero Plasma

    Elemental Hero Stratos

    Reinforcement of the Army

    Allure of Darkness

    Destiny Draw

    Mystic Tomato

    Metal Reflect Slime

    Fires of Doomsday

    Scape Goat

    Dark Illusion


    The Dark Creator

    Ciaus the Shadow Monarch

    Mask of Darkness

    Armageddon Knight

    The rest I think people will/have post(ed) them.

  4. needle worms


    trap hole

    dust tornado

    penguin soilder

    check for banned cards

  5. i run tight control decks and the staples are


    -draining shield(stalling)

    -sakuretsu armor(stalling)

    -magic cylinders

    -crush card virus(if you can get one,it took me 5 boxes)

    -deck devastation virus

    -eradicator epidemic virus


    -mystical space typhoon

    -giant trunade


    -patrician of darkness

    -ghost knight of jackal

    -mask of darkness x3

    -(monsters for virus sacrifices)

  6. Well, I think you should have the God Cards. If you order Shonen Jump magazine, you could get awesome free cards and mail orders for really rare cards. Also, if you see structure decks, they are 40 cards and always have at least 5 or 6 good cards. Also, in a regular pack, it always comes with one good card at least. One really good card is Relinquished. It is a card that you need a certain spell card to summon it. Blue Eyes-White Dragon is a very good one to have. (writen by grandson of Winteropal)

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