
Can you name me 10 Icons of German Culture?

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Can you name me 10 Icons of German Culture?




  1. Well, I travel a lot and I am also half German.

    It really depends on the country, viewing the German culture.

    Lets say, Americans would name





    Newschwanstein Castle

    Sauerkraut (Germans are still called Krauts by some people)

    The Lorelei (based on the river Rhine and a must for tourists)

    Love Parade in Berlin

    Black Forrest cake (Schwarzwaelderkirschtorte)

    and the word "Kaputt" which means it is broken and is used in many languages.

    But than, as half a German who traveled a lot and used to live in Germany, my serious guess on the main top ten is.

    Albert Einstein (born and raised in south west Germany)



    German Food

    German Beer

    The Oktoberfest (which is never really in October)

    German Sheppard Dog

    German punctuality (not on trains anymore)

    German bureaucracy

    German cars which are made for the autobahn

  2. Hello, I live in Germany at the moment....These are my opinions:

    three significant German Chancellors,

    Konrad Adenauer,

    Willy Brandt and

    Helmut Kohl.

    Günter Grass, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1999. A controcversial writer.

    The Berlin Wall

    the notorious Baader-Meinhof gang A terror group in the 1970's

    Wolf Biermann, an ‘angry young man’ of the 60s and 70s (until he was expelled from the GDR in 1976), and we are looking at some shorter works by Christa Wolf, arguably the most significant writer from the GDR.

    Johann Sebastian Bach

    Richard Wagner

  3. I hope you are not talking about popular culture, because I wouldn't have a clue.

    I should say, starting from 1500:

    Martin Luther (his translation of the Bible was basically   creating Standard German as a commonly understood compromise of the diverse dialects)

    Albrecht Duerer (painter)

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz (philosopher and mathematician)

    Johann Sebastian Bach (composer)

    Immanuel Kant (philosopher)

    Johann Wolfgang Goethe (writer)

    Friedrich Schiller (writer)

    Ludwig van Beethoven (composer)

    Johannes Brahms (composer)

    Friedrich Nietzsche (philosopher and poet)

    Richard Wagner (composer)

    Bertolt Brecht (writer)

    Thomas Mann (writer)

    I'm certain other people's lists would be different,and so would mine be on a different occasion. I only included artists and philosophers of Germany proper, but e.g. Gutenberg, Einstein and Max Planck would be icons as well, and so are Haydn, Mozart and Freud, but all of the latter are Austrians.

  4. 1.  David Hasselhoff

    2.  David Hasselhoff

    3.  David Hasselhoff

    4.  David Hasselhoff

    5.  David Hasselhoff

    6.  David Hasselhoff

    7.  David Hasselhoff

    8.  David Hasselhoff

    9.  David Hasselhoff

    10.David Hasselhoff

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