
Can you name one specific legislative accomplishment of George Bush before he became president?

by Guest45472  |  earlier

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That HE wrote and sponsored?? Exactly!! Writing a law makes you a good or bad president? No did less work that G. Bush and he became president. At least Barrack graduated on his own merits. Work his way up from poverty. He shows he can push up his sleeves and get it done. No silver spoon here. So, is he THAT bad a choice?




  1. George W. Bush, as Governer of Texas worked tirelessly to pass a lot of legislation that helped his billionaires buddies get richer at the expense of the education system, health care, and social services programs and lowering the general welfare of Texas citizens who were not wealthy. He also passed bills to destroy the environment and execute people.Governer Bush passed a lot of legislation:

    Governer Bush killing people legislation -

    Governer George W. Bush executed more people than any other Governer ever. - some of which were people who were mentally ill, profoundly retarded, and people who are innocent. (See' he was into killing people even back then.)

    Governer Bush Anti environment legistaion

    He fought environmental issues making Texas number 1 In overall toxic releases, #1 In recognized carcinogens in the air, #1 In suspected carcinogens in the air, #1 In developmental toxin in the air (affecting brain and nervous-system development in children) while rducing his states spending for the environment to 49th.

    Increased pollution of Texas rivers and 44% of Texas bays to the point that they do not meet the standards set for recreational and other uses.

    Governer Bush anti-education Legislation

    Lower Texas schools from 45th to 50th.

    41st in per capita spending on public education

    Money that could have gone into raising teacher salaries went into tax cuts for the rich.

    The high school dropout rates in Texas rose to 30% overall

    The high school dropout rate in Texas is 50% among minorities

    Governor Bush appointed a teacher certification board that, instead of working on improving the standards for the teaching profession and improving teacher quality, he decided instead to allow people who have poor credentials to enter into the teaching profession

    One in five Texas high school teachers are not certified

    About 41,000 of 63,000 vacancies in Texas public schools were unfilled in 1999

    On national tests (NAEP), with one exception (4th grade math), Texas scores have remained flat or decreased over the period Bush was governor

    After Bush took office, Texasís own state test TASP (a college readiness test) results showed a sharp decrease (from 65.2% to 43.3%) in the percentage of students passing all three parts (reading, math, and writing).

    Performance on the SAT in Texas did not improved since the early 1990s, (compared with SAT takers nationally)

    79% of Texans who are 25 or older have a high school diploma or equivalency certificate and 24% have bachelor's degrees - both lower than the national average

    Governer Bush anti social services and health legislation

    Bush raised the level of Texans living in poverty to 5th highest in the country while lowering per capita funding for public health to 48th

    47th in delivery of social services to 47th

    #1 in percentage of poor working parents without insurance

    #1 in children without health insurance

    Bush Tax and business legislation

    Bush cut education health and social services to provide tax cuts for his Billionaire oil buddies.

    Passed legislation that favored Enrron, big banking corruption and he appointed 50 of his top contributors to high ranking commissions and powerful government committees.

    Bush hurt Texas as Governer much as he hurt the United States as President.

    But don't worry.

    History shows that every really terrible President has always

    been followed by a really great President.

    Following that historical example means that

    Barrack Obama will definitely be our greatest President ever!

  2. Look at it more like this, Dubya graduated without the help of affirmative action, did not get involved with the mob, earned his money with his own company, completed his term, and ran with a strong moral character.

    Obama is running on his skin color.

  3. Let's see, Officer in National Guard, Governor of a large state, CEO of several business, I'd say that shows leadership.

      Obama?  1st term Senator, not in leadership position....

  4. at the very least bush had executive experience as gov of texas. obama has never run a thing.

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