
Can you name one thing wrong in the world or society?

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Can you name one thing wrong in the world or society?

But you must also tell me a solution to the problem.....hmmmm?




  1. Parents quit being parents and let children run the home.No disipline given by parents only recieved by parents . Grow up parents and take your homes back. I still have my belt, to use not abuse.

  2. Apostasy has to be the greatest thing wrong in the world right now. The solvent would be to answer the door the next time the Christ knocks. Then invite Him in.  

  3. Pedophiles, execute them, no three strikes or put your name on a website thing. You mess with a kid, you die!

  4. Well there is the number one problem facing the world to day, humans.  For a solution, umm... kill us all.

  5. Reality Television.    Stop watching it.


    paint everyone's skin blue. (:

  7. starvation.

    many hotels/restaurants and even households throw away food that could have been used to feed shelter animals or be sent across the globe to poorer countries.

    people need to stop being selfish and think of others.  

  8. Belief is a major problem for humanity.  Causes people to rely on nonsense and superstition for important decisions in their lives.   Belief is also a waffle word that people use to pretend they know something when they don't

    The solution is genetic engineering to raise the average IQ by about 50 points.

    I expect that to be fairly common within 50 years.

  9. The trivialization of our political process by "red team vs. blue team" partisanship and info-tainment punditry.

    If people really cared about solving difficult problems instead of scoring points against "the other guys" and being entertained.

  10. Mobbing and Bullying are the huge problems...How to solve it?It is in human's personality...I mean different person is always excluded...Most People are not open new ideas, new people, new, new, new...

  11. Mass delusion that our lives are separate. Teach the truth and include explanation of the dominance of the appearance of separation over the intellectual knowledge that we are all mutually dependent.

    A small change in perspective can result in large changes.

  12. forgetting morals. being caught up in materialism.

  13. An infinite number of right and wrong things could be named?

  14. polution recycle

  15. Greed. Greed I think exist because people like to be comfortable in life and to feel affluent. In order to be that, you have to acquire some wealth which tends to make you greedy and exploit others who then are unhappy for being treated unfairly. I think the solution to greed is to get rid of the monatary system and everyone creates and produces what they want. We have enough technology to produce all the food the world needs and enough clothing machines to produce clothes and other machines to take care of other things, so people could do just what they wanted to do and everything would be free. People would get bored after a while and start producing just what they want to. There would be no banks, no govts and no crime of theft since everything would be free.

  16. I can't name any bad things, but I can name a heck of a lot of good things. Glass half full <3

  17. Of course, but the problem is stopping at just one.  If I must choose, I would opt for helping all of the people who are unable to love and be loved, who are uncomfortable with themselves.  I think that we could best fix this by making it the great commandment of society that those who have children must also be there to raise them, to love them, to provide a caring emotional environment for them.  This is of course unrealistic, and could never be implemented, but I would love to live in a world -- if only for one day -- where this was possible.  Imagine, no feelings of inferiority, no senseless rage, etc.  Please, just one day...

  18. Problem.....A very uneven global distribution of wealth.

    Solution.....Maybe there should be yearly 'band aid' which started in the 80's, either that, or the worlds governments' wipe the poverty stricken countries debts off the slate.

  19. Prejudice against g**s and lesbians.

    solution: get people to get over there homophobic thoughts.

  20. A negative symptom in human moral decay: a man killed and decapitated a stranger on a bus in Manitoba Canada. Possible preventative solution: better psychiatric wisdom for the people. How  many links do think I have to post for supportive documentation.

  21. Animal cruelty.

    Prosecute perpetrators.

    As with all criminals, I mean properly prosecute and appropriately sentence.

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