
Can you name some good female leaders? ?

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From the 20th century and 21st century please.





  1. Eleanor Roosevelt

    Margaret Thatcher

  2. Corazon Aquino

  3. No such thing EVER existed!!

  4. Ann Coulter

    Tammy Faye Bakker

    Condoleza Rice

  5. Margret Thatcher.

  6. Queen Elizabeth

    Margaret Thatcher

    Condi Rice

  7. Margaret Thatcher - British Prime Minister 70's

  8. Rosa Parks

    Harriet Tubman

    Betty Ford

  9. NOT Hillary Clinton...

  10. *Drools* uhhh....

  11. Mrs Thatcher

  12. good leaders ? their all bad (man and woman)

  13. First off there is a lot of debate as to what makes a good leader, so whoever you think is a good leader there is someone who think the opposite.

    Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Britain (1979-1990)

    Mary McAleese, President of Ireland (1997- )  

    Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Latvia (1999- )  

    Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999- )  

    Tarja K. Halonen, President of Finland (2000- )  

    Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the Philippines (2001- )  

    Khaleda Zia, Prime Minister of Bangladesh (1991-1996, 2001- )  

    Luisa Diogo, Prime Minister of Mozambique (2004- )  

    Maria do Carmo Silveira, Prime Minister of Sao Tome and Principe (2005- )  

    Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany (2005- )  

    Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile (2006- )  

    Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia (2006- )  

    Portia Simpson-Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica (2006- )

    Hope this helps!

  14. She didn't lead much but Susan B. Anthony. She wanted to be treated equally to men, INCLUDING the negatives like getting tickets and serving jail time. She was a model of what feminism SHOULD have been.

  15. For all those that mentioned Margaret Thatcher, he asked for GOOD female leaders, not evil satanic b*****s whose purpose was to destroy the poor and anyone else she didn't like.

    Personally, I can't think of any decent female leaders, but that's simply because society is still very male-dominated and there haven't been many female leaders in general. I'm sure that as more females get into political power, we'll see some shining examples.

    EDIT: Okay, I'm getting THIS many thumbs down? Primus, don't tell me you people actually admire that raving psycho Thatcher? *Shudders*

    And btw, I took female leaders to mean political leaders, but I see others haven't, so I'll say that there are quite a few females I've admired who could be considered leaders, if not in the political sense. Someone else mentioned Rosa Parks and I'd be happy to second that nomination.

  16. Every woman who has ever given birth and raised a child is a good leader. I'm not sure there is any greater leader than being a mom. Go hug yours.

  17. Since you asked this in the Religious section, I will tell you the truth:

    No woman is to take office above a man.

    (Isa.3:12) As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O my people, they that lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.  

    Since World War II, women have taken more and more authority in the church, and men have foolishly acquiesced.  Proportionately, the church and society around it has become more and more corrupt.  It was a shame and rebuke to Israel for the wives to manipulate and domineer their husbands.

    Our God says to us in our covenant, (1 Tim 2:11) Let a woman learn in quietness with all subjection.  {12} But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness.

    (Notice the words “a man” are used here, not any word that means “husband.”  This means that this submission to the man is meant to include society at large; business, secular government, etc.

    1 Tim 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve; {14} and Adam was not beguiled, but the woman being beguiled hath fallen into transgression.  

    Notice that this is as valid a reason today as it was then.  Satan knows that the woman can be more easily beguiled, and the man can be more easily tempted to follow her, as with Adam.

    Notice the first sin that brought the curse on humanity was the man submitting to his wife instead of the Lord and do you think it would not bring a curse today?

    In God's ideal society, the women should be "workers at home," not competing with men as the bread winners unless of course they are the only bread winners.  If the world would obey this there would be many more jobs for men and far fewer homes that had no bread winner at all.  This would distribute the wealth more and have less people on welfare.  The woman has authority under the husband and over the household and the children.

    The Lord through Paul made it plain that even though they are one there is a difference between a man and a woman.  (1 Cor.11:3) But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God….  (Those who would destroy this distinction would destroy society and bring us under the curse.)  {9} for neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.  Notice the word “man” is used here, not “husband,” meaning that this submission carries over to the work place, church government, and secular government.

    Under the word “wife” there were six commands, all of them concerning submission to the man.  

    Under the word “wives” there were six commands.  Five were clearly concerning submission to the man and one was commanding her to be “faithful in all things” (1 Tim.3:11), which has to include submission.  

    Under the word “woman” there were twelve commands, all of them concerning submission to the man.  One more command was given to Timothy to tell the woman to take care of their widows.

    Under the word “women” there were seven commands, six concerning submission to the man and one was concerning modesty so she would not tempt the man (1 Tim.2:9).

  18. Michael Jean general governor (for canada)

  19. Golda Meir

    Corazan Aquino


    Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Chase Smith

    Indira Ghandi

      I know the spelling may have been wrong but that's the best I could do without looking them up. And I'll bet there's a ton more that I forgot.

      Hillary Clinton came in at about 2,394,129th place.

  20. Blanche E. Fuqua

    Barbara Bush

    Rose Kennedy

    Juanita Sykes Canada

    Laura Bush

    Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

    Margaret Thatcher

    Queen Elizabeth

    Mother Theresa

  21. Margeret Thatcher

    Golda Mier

    Ms. Bhutto

    Imelda Marcos

    Ms. Aquino

    These are leaders, not celebrities

    I loved Margaret Thatcher....She Made Britain strong again, but I'm American...

    I don't like Hillary either...

  22. Rachel Carson was born on May 27, 1907, in Springdale, Pennsylvania. Her dream as a young girl was to be a writer, and she often read magazines. Rachel would submit her writings to the magazine hoping they would someday be published.  Finally, at the age of eleven, three of her articles were published. Rachel attended Pennsylvania College for Girls.  There she had a life changing experience when her biology teacher encouraged her to not see biology as just nature, but as a key to understanding life itself.  Rachel quickly understood and changed her degree to science major. At that time not many people majored in science. Her first job was working for the government as a writer for a radio show. All of her jobs to come were either writing and/or editing.  She wrote many books in her lifetime, but her best is probably considered, Silent Spring.  It was a very popular book among the public, though to others it made them very angry.  It made the pesticide industry very upset.  They complained that if people believed Carson's book there would be disease and people would starve.  Rachel believed that weed killers and pesticides killed more than just insects.  It killed birds and other wildlife. Congress passed a law that the chemical companies now have to prove the product is safe before it can be sold instead of the government having to prove it is dangerous.


    Amelia Earhart - On May of 1923, she received a pilot's licence.  On April 1928, a man called and challenged Amelia to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.  She said that she would. The airplane, Friendship, took off with Amelia in it. The flight took twenty hours and forty minutes. Amelia's courage to fly across the Atlantic spread rumors all over the world.  Now, flying was right in the middle of of Amelia's life.  In 1928, she made her first solo trip across the United States. On June 1, 1937, the silver plane, Electra, took off in Miami at sunrise.  Their first stop was in Carpieto, Venezuela.  As they flew around the equator, everything seemed to be fine, but the worst was yet to come. On July 2, the Electra left New Guinea to go to an island so small, it was difficult to locate.  There were coast guard ships to locate the island for the plane to land safely.  The ship got signals from Amelia requesting a bearing.  They answered but didn't hear back from her until five hours later.  Her last call came less than an hour later.  She said, "We are running north and south."  The crew tried to reach her with every frequency call they had, but they still could not reach her.  Then there was a dead silence, and they received no more calls from Amelia.  They never found her plane, Amelia, or Fred.  Amelia is remembered as someone who was brave and courageous.  She is a role model to many because she blazed a trail for women in aviation and other fields that had not been open to women.


    Anne Frank was born June 12, 1929.  As a child, she had a hobby, which was keeping a diary.  She had a special name for her diary.  She called it Kitty.  In 1933, Anne and her family moved from Germany to the Netherlands after the n***s had begun to persecute the Jews.  In 1942, during the n**i occupation of the Netherlands, Anne and her family hid in a secret annex, behind the Amsterdam office of her father's business.  Later in 1944, their hiding place was discovered, and she and her family were taken to Auschwitz, a concentration camp, and later to Bergen-Belson.  Anne Frank died there of typhus, less than one year later in 1945.


    Rosa Parks - African Americans were only allowed to sit in the middle or back of the bus.  This made Rosa mad.  One day in 1955, Rosa was coming home from work when she took a seat in the middle section of the bus.  After a few stops, many white people were on the bus and she was told to give up her seat, for there were white people standing.  She refused to move.  Rosa knew it was a law in Montgomery, but she did not like it and she was not going to move without a fight.  James Blake, the driver of the bus, called the police and she was arrested.


    Eleanor Roosevelt - When Franklin, her husband, won the campaign for President, she admitted she didn't want him to win, because she never wanted to live in the White House or be a president's wife.  She also thought she would never make a good first lady. Well, Eleanor was wrong about that.  She was wrong because Americans said she was the best first lady ever.  At that time, there had never been a first lady to have public life and career.  Eleanor Roosevelt achieved that goal, too! She was the first president's wife to have a public life and career.  Eleanor Roosevelt accomplished many more goals and achievements during the remaining years of her life.  Anna Eleanor Roosevelt died on November 7, 1962. She is remembered for her courageous acts and her winni

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