
Can you name some paranormal investigating equipment?

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Such as EVP recorders? Be specific please. Thank you.




  1. EMF meters, miniDV's, voice recorders, a good camera,

    infrared thermometers, a note pad and pencil.  Anything else is just showing off.

  2. thermal camera

  3. Sometimes the simplest are the best.  All I have ever used was a camera & a Sony Digital Recorder.

  4. Yes, but I won't. People that are too lazy to establish their method(s) of investigation which is what the equipment you need to investigate is based on usually make pretty bad investigators.

    I have listed two books for you below that deal with investigating and include lists of equipment (and methods) which could also be found in many (gasp) books at local book stores and libraries having to do with investigating the paranormal.


  5. cameras

    heat sensors

    recorder anything that picks up sights and sounds is good

  6. sure.

    1. a very sensitive thermometer

    2. a digital recorder for EVP

    3. magnetometer

    4. a pendulum

    5 it would be very useful if one of the team is a psychic or sensitive,

  7. The best piece of equipment for paranormal investigating is a good brain. The investigators either leave it home or don't know where to get one.

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