
Can you name the other Sarah who's a "gun nut"?

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...besides Sarah Palin?

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  1. Sarah Silverman, who used to be married to Jimmy Kimmel.

  2. There are no"gun nuts"; yet your inability to see shades of grey, and only see white or black, is clearly a dysfunctional trait and very representative of your party. Therapy is available, but you have to make the choice to want to get "better". I hope you do!

    McCain\Palin 08!

  3. I don't know as Palin is not a gun nut.  She is for Constitutional rights and not against them like the "Brady Bunch", "Move-back", Pelosi, etc.  How could you confuse her with the small minority of ultra-leftwingers known as gun nuts?

    Wow!  Looks like the "Planet wins"!  He named an actual nationally known gun nut named Sarah!

  4. Sarah Brady?  Just a guess.

  5. sarah conner

  6. My daughter Sarah, no you can't have her last name, is an avid hunter.  I win!

  7. Sarah Connor from Terminator 2.

  8. Connor ...  Dang, someone beat me to it.

  9. Sarah Jane Moore, who tried to shoot President Ford in 1975.

  10. Any women with a gun is s**y. Doesn't have to be named Sarah

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