
Can you offer a few tips and pointers for a beginning h**e rider?

by  |  earlier

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I am sorry, I mean, beginning horse




  1. yes refrase the question,,ok since u edited it ,,,,here is my answer..

  2. yes, my first one would be spell "horse" correctly. At least I hope it's "horse" you mean. *eek*

  3. Geez, I can see a lot of BAD answers coming to this one. I would edit the question. .

  4. um ya wear shoes and pants 1's that u don't care if they get dirtyy also sit on the sattle also gett horse back riding less ions :)

  5. 1.get on the back

    2.pull the riens


  6. 1. Enjoy yourself.  It's hard work and there's always more to learn but there's no point in taking lessons if you don't enjoy being around horses and learning to ride them.

    2. Be patient with yourself.  Some people catch on faster than others at first.  But, that doesn't mean that they will be better riders in the end.  And, I like to think of it as a competition against myself, not against others.  Thus, I'm always trying to beat my personal best.

    3. Make sure that you find an instructor that you like and trust.

    4. Don't worry if you have a few bad lessons and hit some plateaus.  It's normal.  You may be doing great and then have a few lessons where you feel like you can't do anything right. But, you'll get over that and start improving again.

    I'm currently coming back from a 2-year break. (Before that I rode for 10 years straight - 2-3 times a week.)  I've taken 4 lessons in the last 2 weeks.  The first two were great.  Last week I felt like I was a total beginner during both lessons (and I was riding the same horses as I had the first week).  That's just the way it is.

  7. Be confidant. you won't get anwhere if your ot confident.

    Heals down, toes in, all your weight dwn into ur heaLS ( i bet u hear all this all the time lol)  sit up straight.... thumbs towards the sky and above the withers, chin up, eyes forward. Never look down. Look straight aead to where u intend to go.  Dont TUG in reins, simply twitch. Dint kick the horseyy, s little squezze should do, ifnot then this is where the crop comes inhandy.

    Lean forward off ur horses back when galloping. Same with jumping... if u are jumping then wait untill about 4/3 strides before the jump to lean forward.  

    Buy a book on horse riding...cant go wrong with a boook XD

    Dont take competing too sriosly, unless u aim to b a proffesional horse rider.

    Remeber its still fun and never neglect ur horseyyy =]

    goodluck :) sre u wont need it tho:) and have funnn!!

    katiee x*x

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