
Can you open your eyes in the ocean?

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will salty sea water damage or hurt your eyes




  1. no problem...

    it is actually good unless you get pounded in some "shore break" and get sand behind your eyeballs...not fun...

  2. salt water is great for a lot of things.  I used to open my eyes under the ocean just to see if i could see.  I couldn't it stung, the salt but it didn't hurt my eyes

  3. Yes but it is best to wear goggles.

  4. You sure can!  But, why would you want to!!!?

  5. You can open your eyes under water in the ocean...but I can gurantee that its definitly not going to feel

  6. sure if you want the salt and sand in your eyes.

  7. the salty water will clear and help your eyes iz helthy

  8. it will hurt some.

  9. It would sting your eyes b/c it's very salty, but it can be done.  Your eyes would probably itch for a while afterwards, and make sure you're not wearing contacts when you do it!

  10. Ouch...I can't, but when I was younger, I used to drink seawater. Yuck! :P

      I am pretty sure that seawater is good for your vision though...although it might not feel good.There are Lots of harmful things can get in yours eyes and scratch them like seashells, sand, salt, and dirt. Plus, there is animal watse in ocean water. That's just gross!

  11. yea, but it wont feel to great!

  12. yes I do

    and all the time

  13. you can open your eyes .........

    but it will burn and also be blurry. You will want to close your eyes again right away. Now don't drink the water.... eww!

  14. yes i can but if u have them open 4 a very long time ur eyes can get damaged! and if u do open ur eyes in clorin or in salty water they may hurt a little but i think its better in clorin water!!!!

  15. Ya, Why not while using ur googles? Don't diver open their eyes in the ocean? Infact as u r a surfer u would even look cooler.

  16. yes but it will hurt

  17. The salt water will sting, but it won't cause any long term problems. In fact, if you squint properly, you can actually see as if you had on a mask. Not as clear of course, but you can see, none the less.

  18. You can open them...

    You'll see blurry though. Salty water itches and burns a bit.

    But for a little while you'll see a few things (a very llittle while)


  19. you can open your eyes in the ocean but it will sting like no other. and as far as i know the salt won't damage your eye sight.

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