
Can you operate a motorized scooter in California with a class C drivers license?

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Can you operate a motorized scooter in California with a class C drivers license?




  1. No. you need a class M1 for a scooter.

    California Vehicle Code  12804.9...

      (H) A motorized scooter.

       (I)  Class C does not include a two-wheel motorcycle or a

    two-wheel motor-driven cycle.

       (4) Class M1. A two-wheel motorcycle or a motor-driven cycle. Authority to operate a vehicle included in a class M1 license may be granted by endorsement on a class A, B, or C license upon completion of an appropriate examination.

       (5) (A) Class M2 includes the following:

       (i) A motorized bicycle or moped, or a bicycle with an attached motor, except a motorized bicycle described in subdivision (b) of Section 406.

       (ii) A motorized scooter.

       (B) Authority to operate vehicles included in class M2 may be granted by endorsement on a class A, B, or C license upon completion of an appropriate examination, except that no endorsement is required for a motorized scooter. Persons holding a class M1 license or endorsement may operate vehicles included in class M2 without further examination.

  2. No, legally you need an M2

    Hey stan did you just copy and paste without reading your citation. What I gathered from it is that you need an M2 not an M1 for a scooter.

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