
Can you overdose from taking ...?

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Zoloft and 1/2 of a pill of norco?

I take a zoloft every morning and for back pain I took 1/2 a pill of norco (first time taking it) , about 30 minutes later I got sick, fainted and when I came too I threw up. I got really hot before it happened and after I came too. I felt horrible. Luckily for me it occured in the hospital while visiting a relative, the doctors were ful of c**p and said that they think that my strong emotions of laughter caused the incident?! kid you not he said this, of course my response was that is bullshit!

what do you think? I schedule an appt with my regular doctor but its not until monday.




  1. well if you were personally perscribed both.Your dr. nor the pharmancy

    would of gave them to you if they did. By the way, why are you taking norco? It is strong stuff.

  2. You really need to do what you think is best. I know what you mean about the doctor its just a way to shut you up and get rid of you. If you really think it cause it don't let them tell you otherwise.

  3. I wouldnt really say you "OD'd" but the pills combined could of maybe caused that.

  4. Sounds to me like you had an allergic reaction to the medication. Go to your doctor and tell him about your incident. Remember sometimes even other doctors can be wrong. Whenever in doubt, always get a second opinion. :)

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