
Can you overdose on Seroquel. It's a depression med and my friend has 3 bottles and thinks of suicide daily.?

by Guest32214  |  earlier

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Can you overdose on Seroquel. It's a depression med and my friend has 3 bottles and thinks of suicide daily.?




  1. yes, it could slow the heart rate during your sleep..if not taken as perscribed

  2. It's actually an antipsychotic, and I presume that even if it wouldn't kill you, it'd do you some serious damage.

    Tell someone immediately! Keeping a secret is a good thing, but you should never keep secrets if they endanger lives.

  3. Seroquel is not a anti depressent AT ALL. Your friends psychotic. Seroquel is an anti psychotic. i have schizo-affective and take it 400mg daily. If you overdose your going to have a heart attack and not wake up next time u sleep

  4. Anything more than prescribed, you can overdose from.  

  5. Yes you can. get some help for your friend ASAP. If possible, get the name or the prescribing physician off the bottle and contact the DR. or take the med away.

    You can also encourage your friend to just talk and talk to you and make other friends and family aware.

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