
Can you overdose on pepto bismol?

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on the bottle they always say that you cant take more than a limited amount so as an example if i drank an entire bottle of pepto bismol would i just get sick or would i die?




  1. You would feel terrible

  2. i don't think you would die, but it would probably stop you up.  But be careful about using pepto alot.  it contains aspirin and could eat away at your stomach lining.  I know from experience.  I have stomach problems that stem from taking too much pepto when i was younger

  3. Too much of anything can't be good for you. Even water. I would refrain from taking too much pepto if I were you.

  4. you get a super bad stomach ache and get very constipated.

  5. Not good to use a lot of it. I use to drink a bottle a day, then found out my fibromyalgia (aches ans pains) were caused from a build up of the stuff. Had to have chelation therapy to get it out. It seems that it does not leave your system, ever and can cause a variety of symptoms and arthritis.

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