
Can you overdose on vitamins?

by Guest66632  |  earlier

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Is it a hazard to eat to many gummy children's vitamins (you know the fruity ones with the sugar on them)




  1. Yea! to much of any vitamin could hurt you after a while, and then if you eat to many, your immune system will become SOO immune to them, they wont work anymore! Hope this Helped!!!


  2. Yes, those aren't candy. Follow the directions on the package.

  3. yes that's y they have directions and amount u can use

    u can OD on anything its a saying actually

    to much of one thing isn't good

    s*x milk apples weights babies moms ect u get the piont

  4. Generally, yes, though it depends on the vitamin or supplement. Excess fat soluble vitamins are stored in your adipose (fatty) tissue and can reach toxic levels if you take significantly more than recommended. Excess water soluble vitamins on the other hand get excreted through your urine (ex: vit. C). Some other nutrients, such as iron, can also reach toxic levels. Short story: Read the box, follow it.

  5. technically, they won;t hurt you. however, if the body digests more vitamins than it is able to handle, they will just get flushed out of the system by peeing or severe diarheaa. which is not good, either. it just gets the extra vitamins that it cannot use out of the body, so it has the right amount.

  6. idk, try it. then tell me

  7. no you urinate them out u only use 50-75 percent that u intake

  8. You certainly can overdose on vitamins. The human body can withstand only so much of one type of vitamin. There can be deadly results from consuming extreme amounts of vitamins. There are many vitamins and minerals the body needs to be healthy. The vitamins that the body can not store such as vitamin C, are the vitamins that the human body needs and could use extra amounts. The vitamins the body does store like vitamins E, A and D can be taken to the extreme of causing a vitamin overdose.

    An overdose of vitamin B6 can cause serious damage, including sensory control and motor control loss.

    An overdose of vitamin E can cause blood clots, fatigue, tumors in the breast, and reproductive problems.

    Consuming extreme amounts of vitamins A and D can result in cirrhosis of the liver, fatigue and dry and itchy skin.

  9. yes you can od  

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