
Can you ovulate if you don't have a period?

by Guest33834  |  earlier

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I haven't had a period for a month. Me and my husband our ttc baby # 1 but i haven't had a period in a month. Can i still ovulate and get preggo if i don't have a period. I have been havin cramping in my ovaries the last couple of days and white discharge for a month. Just wondering if any of the ladys have and words of the wise for me. thanks and baby dust too all that our trying




  1. yea you can b/c i didn't have a period for 4 months and got pregnant with twins...

  2. Have you tested?

    You will  O before you have a period. So if you haven't had your period yet you might have already conceived.

    Or the stress from ttc might be holding it back.

    Good luck

  3. my last period was april 20  then may came along & all i had was i red spot on my underwear . I never saw my period again in june i found out i was prego,  i had cramping like you

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