
Can you own a tv for the sole purpose of watching dvds and playing computer games without a tv license?

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Can you own a tv for the sole purpose of watching dvds and playing computer games without a tv license?




  1. yes, you only require a tv licence to watch tellyvision. as long as your tv isn't hooked upto an ariel emiting radio waves then you don't require a tv licence.

  2. yes my friend does not have a TV license and just watches DVDs, it is a good way to save money. I could never do it, as i could not live without the TV.

  3. Yes but you have to inform the TV licensing company

  4. What the law states is this:

    "For any property where there is a device capable of receiving a television broadcast, a TV licence is required".

    Note the words "...capable of receiving..."  Whether or not you actually watch TV is irrelevant.  If you have anything that COULD receive a TV broadcast (television, video recorder, DVD recorder, PC TV card, etc.), you must have a licence.  By law.

  5. yes but you have to scramle your chanels

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