
Can you paint a BIrd cage if it's being used?

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I have 2 parakeets and I have a huge cage that is a bit rusty.. Is it safe to paint the cage an just let it dry well before placing them back in it? Is there any special paint i should use




  1. Buy krylon h20 spray paint from sears(5$ a can). Its made for baby nurserys and recomended for bird cage touch ups and of course allow to dry.

  2. I would say its safe if you give a safe amount of time for drying. I saw a comerial for this really great paint. Its almost 100% chemical free its crazy. I would do a google search on safe paint or chemical low paint. Hope this helps.

  3. no..i don't think its a good idea....and you should defiantly go to like a pet store and ask for ideas with special paint because the paint chips and smell could be toxic to the birds..

  4. You need a special non toxic paint.  this might help, but id just buy a new cage to be safe.

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