
Can you paint a metal frame to keep from rusting?

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I have a metal futon frame. Planning to use it outdoors under covered patio. Can I paint this to keep it from rusting? Can you paint metal?


Brenda - Orlando




  1. You can get rust inhibiting paint in a spray can, like Rustoleum.  Make sure you sand off any existing rust first.  Read the directions to see if you need to spray a primer coat or sand the entire surface before applying it.

  2. Get all the rust you can off the metal with a wire brush and sandpaper.  Then get a product called rust converter.  This converts the remaining rust to primer.  Then, paint with the final color.  The biggest problem with rusty metal is getting rid of all the rust.  Even if you sand it, some of the rust will remain and will grow under the paint.  Rust converter kills it.



  3. i wouldn't

  4. Absolutely.  Rustoleum spray paint (which you can find in most any Lowe's, Home Depot, or hardware store) is meant to be used on metal.  You'll want to buy both a can of spray paint in the color of your choice and a can of primer.

    You'll use the primer first, to seal the metal and to help the spray paint you'll be using later to adhere better to the surface of your futon frame.   Using many smaller sprays (rather than a few long, heavy sprays), apply two or more coats of primer to the futon frame.  (The primer dries to the point when you can spray on another coat in just a couple minutes.)  Be sure that all parts of the futon frame have been thoroughly coated with the primer before moving on to the spray paint.  Repeat the process with the spray paint.

    Be sure you do this outside (but not in the sun) or in a place that is very well ventilated, because the fumes are pretty nasty.  Also be sure to use a drop cloth because the spray paint will get on any uncovered surface within 18-24" of where you're applying it -- even if you have really good aim.  Some of this is because the paint tends to hang in the air for a while after you've applied it.

    Hope this helps!

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