
Can you paint indoors if it rains?

by Guest21246  |  earlier

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I want to paint my kitchen and someone told me that you cant paint if it raining, does anyone know if thisis true?




  1. This, mom of 3, has made me laugh. You cannot paint OUTDOORS if it is raining, but you have no problem with painting your kitchin as this is INDOORS even if it is raining out there. So go ahead paint to your hearts content

  2. go and paint your kitchen

  3. You can paint if it's raining. The only thing that might happen is it will take longer to dry if you are not running your air conditioner - because of the humidity.

  4. It certainly won't be a problem with latex water-based paint. I doubt that you'll notice much effect on the drying time.

  5. I have a friend that paints cars for a living & he never paints when it rains.  He says that there is too much humidity in the air... Not sure if this applies to house paint.  Hope it helps

  6. yes you can but you need proper ventilation, this is very important for you're safety and the safety of you're family. Also the scent from some paints is a bit much regardless of how safe it is ..

  7. Assuming you are using a water based paint, it would not make any difference if it is raining or not.  Indoors, not a problem.   Outdoors, not good in the rain.

  8. Assumeing your roof isn't leaking the only problem with painting indoors when its raining is it takes a little longer to dry due to humidity so YES you can

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