
Can you pawn man made diamonds as real diamonds?

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I want to buy my girl friend a man made diamond, but I dont want to if she will somehow find out someday :)




  1. Experts can tell. Why would you want to buy her a fake, keep that information from her, and plan for a future break up i.e "What if it's pawned?" That doesn't sound like a solid, trust-based relationship.

  2. Believe me...she will found out, and it won't be "someday", it will be very soon.

    It's better to be honest with her, explain the situation, and tell her you would rather spend thousands of dollars on a down payment on a house instead.

    You don't say...but I'm assuming this will be an engagement ring. Who says it has to be a diamond? Mine was an aquamarine, and my sister's was a sapphire.

    Talk to your girl.

  3. Just let her know you can't afford a real diamond right now, and that in the future you will get her one. Don't lie to her.

  4. There's no reason to have to buy into the diamond industry. My ring has an amethyst stone. Colored stones have been pretty big the last few years (not that I care about trends, but it could be a good argument for you).

    Just tell her the situation. Propose with something else, and tell her you want to take her to pick a ring, then give her your budget and let her get what she wants.

    Explain that you want to use your money for important things like a home.

  5. Any pawn shop is well equipped to recognize the  schwag diamonds from real. Schwag means false. You can't fool them. Try to be honest, tell your fiancee what you give her. Diamonds have a specific vibration too... and you can cut glass with a real diamond.

  6. Oh yea she will know

  7. as soon as she goes to get it sized, they will prob realize in the setting alone its not quality. then they will check clarity,etc and know immediately its man made. id ask her which she prefers.... man made one now or real one later

  8. Experts can tell...dont be a cheapskate, she will figure you out

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