
Can you pick a banana off a bunch and eat it while you are shopping?

by  |  earlier

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You would pay for it at checkout




  1. i dont think the grocer really cares... i say go ahead and eat it.

  2. Ive done it alot! and my daughter is 3 and always screams for a banana so I just give it to her! I dont care! IF anyone says anything just be like...OH yeah Im so sorrrrrrrrrrrrrry I was going to Pay for it! even if they say well weight! so what!~ just say oh well I didnt think about that PLAY dumb! lol OR if you shop at Vons they are very open about that! they wont say c**p! besides anything you even want to eat from Vons you can just ask and they will open it for you and give you some free and throw the rest away thats the ruls I guess cause some girls where I shop say they are so dumb cause they wont even ;et the workers eat the rest they would rather throw it ! so if you wanna try the chicken fingers from the deli go for it or some cake from backery do it lol! I usually do but end up a good customer for what I like so they win!thats how i see it! besides if you dont like something you saved the money! people dont really know that about Vons! you can even have them open a box of chocolate! lol i think its awsome considering I spend alot there and the prices are a bit high, but its just cleaner and more decent and kept up then the gross *** food for less and other markets!  OH and for those of you shopping at walmart watch out people are gross there and  the workers have been looking more and more GHETTO...and those people dont care....the customers put cold stuff suppose to be in the fridge cause they changed their mind to spend on it  that they just leave it near the bread or any isle for who knows how meat etc

    then the Workers find it and return it to the fridge way later! its just not as clean to shop there ! for food...anyhooooo

    for those saying theft! whatever! The Government has been stealing from us our whole life! boohoo a lil overpriced banana!!! just eat it if you get caught pay up and act dumb slow tired hungry dizzy needed the banana whatever lollll

  3. I do it all the time when i go to walmart........they dont say anything to me

  4. Since bananas (as most fruit and vegetables) are usually priced based on weight, that doesn't work.  Wait the extra five minutes to eat it after you've paid for it.

  5. just throw the peel on the floor, that's what i do

  6. sure you can, but save the skin to show the cashier so that they can rightfully charge you for it.  Sometimes i will eat something while shopping and just save the wrapper or whatever to show the cashier.

  7. no u can't bcuz that's theft and plus it's based on wheight so no. you shld wait.  

  8. did you not ask this question already?? because thats theft. its ok if u do it just dnt complain about the state of you country...crime start somewhere

  9. Sure. You can also put groceries in your pocket. Or take money out of the register if no one is looking. It's all the same thing -- theft.

  10. no, because you are charged by the weight, not price per banana

  11. Yea you can, just as long as ya pay for those bananas!

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