
Can you place yourself up for adoption?

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The question was if a person is not happy with their parents can they be adopted without parental consent?

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  1. I do not believe you can "place yourself" for adoption.  However, you can become "emancipated" without parental consent, but you would need to go to the courts for that.

    Good luck with your project.  You might even try contacting your local Children & Youth Department or Family Services and ask them for additonal information for your project.  Just a thought.

  2. actually it is possible however it is hard. if your parents are mis treating you, you can call child services. and they will come and take you to a "safe house" until a foster family is located. i am not sure about links but i have seen it many times. you would have to go to court however to get legally "divorced" from your parents before you could permenantly stay in a foster home.

  3. Sorry your stuck with then unless your 18.

  4. Parental consent is your key word here, as a minor someone is always responsible for your well being, whether parents, family member or the court system.  As a minor you cannot put yourself up for adoption, only your legal guardian can.

    You can with a courts approval become an emancipated minor but at that point you are saying you are mature enough to not need any guardianship.

  5. its called emancipation. The adolescent has to prove to the judge that he or she is independent and responsible enough to make it out on their own. Now, as far as adoption goes, I believe the child must have a good reason why they want to leave their parents.  They could call Child Services and put out a case on their parents if they wanted to i guess. and then be placed in foster care to be put on a waiting list. But that would be tragic for a child.

  6. I do believe you can legally disown your parents, and then maybe get adopted.

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