
Can you plant oak seedlings that are about 2ft high in in pots and store them in the garage during winter?

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Can you plant oak seedlings that are about 2ft high in in pots and store them in the garage during winter?




  1. good question

    i would guess it would work.  mabe u could just leave them in the ground and wrap the tops.

  2. If the garage is heated. That way they get a great start.

  3. I did this once but had too many to put in my garage.

    I dug a ditch almost as deep as the buckets and as wide, then bermed each side with the soil I had dug out.  

    Some were Live Oaks and they kept their leafs all winter the other were Red Oaks and all survived and now doing great.

    Good luck!

  4. You can do that but you can leave them out and they should be OK

  5. Here in the north, even the nurseries do not bring the pots indoors.  We've been potting various small trees & shrubs for years now, we do not bring them in.  My garage is heated to 48 degrees, all that comes in to it are the canna bulbs, & any other bulbs I wish to winter over.

  6. I have two varieties of oak seedlings growing in one-gallon pots outside.  I plan on taking them inside when the weather gets freezy.

    Since most oaks are cold-weather tolerant (and there are over 600 varieties of oaks) the seedlings will survive better inside in your garage.  It will go dormant and drop its leaves like it would outside, but it would be protected from the frost and survive to be a stronger tree..

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