
Can you play a sport a few hours after you get braces?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting braces today, and tonight I have volleyball practice. Is it ok to play? What if I get hit in the face with a ball?

Oh, and for fun, what's your favorite color combination from these:

green on top, pink on bottom (strawberry!)

light blue and black

just hot pink

light pink and a darker pink

Any other color suggestions?




  1. Yea it should be fine for you to play sports, your teeth may ache though, mine did. and i always got black brace they were just easy to deal with like they don't fade or anything. Good luck with your game

  2. Oh yea of course you can. You don't use your mouth for sports. Do you?

  3. It is fine to play sports with braces... You will have a little pain from the braces but nothing that motrin, ibpro. or advil will not take care of.  I would not worry about getting hit in the face with the ball.

  4. You can go but you mgiht just want to sit on the sidekline sb/c if you get hit in the face its going to HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. yea its perfectly might want to sit that practice out for other reasons.when you put braces on your teeth are going to be killing you

  6. I had a similar question when I first got braces except for with hockey. As far as I know yes it is. Though depending on what your braces are fixing you may not want to. They gave me a quite severe headache for a couple of days. Course I had an overbite so bad I could fit my thumb in between the top and bottom teeth. A suggestion though, if your really worried about it maybe you should wear a mouthguard.

  7. I took motrin before I went to the dentist and by the time i left I wasn't feeling any pain because the medicine already took effect. As long as you do that you should be able to play. But once they start to hurt they really hurt... So bring some meds with you! and for the colors... I suggest all the same color. Two different colors looks kinda silly. I got that at first too and definitely like all one color a lot better.  

  8. Your mouth will be sore, but if you take some tylenol afterwards you'll be okay to play in a few hours. I like the green and pink combo :]

  9. There not gonna fall out! haha

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