
Can you please RIDDLE ME THIS?

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A man takes a bike ride each morning before lunch. 65 percent of the trip is uphill, and only 35 percent is downhill. How is this possible?




  1. ooooooo i get it he go almost the whole percentage up the hill and not all the way down the hill

    3 ways:

    1-he could be going to his friends each day

    2-he goes up then gets a ride back down

    3-he walks the rest of the hill

  2. it's an elevated circle, and he starts in the middle of the hill. So he has to go up to the top, down to the bottom, but then ride back UP to where he started. So, there's more going up involved that going down........:D

  3. It just is.. dont ask lol  

  4. its a cicular route?

  5. he doesn't come back to where he started from and ends up at a higher elevation than he started

  6. On a computerized excerise bike

  7. He's on a motor bike.

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